Health facilities management plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient operation and maintenance of healthcare facilities. To elevate their performance and become recognized as Centers of Excellence (COEs), health facilities management teams must adopt strategic processes that prioritize quality, efficiency, innovation, and continuous improvement.

One healthcare provider that distinguishes Healthcare facilities as COEs is Blue Cross and Blue Shield whose Blue Distinction Specialty Care program recognizes healthcare facilities for their quality care and patient results at Blue Distinction Centers. These COEs are healthcare facilities, hospitals, doctors, and providers recognized for their expertise in delivering specialty care. The program also includes Blue Distinction Centers+, which are healthcare facilities and providers recognized for their expertise and efficiency in delivering specialty care.

Key Best Practices to Establish a COE

Consider these COE best practices to help your team effectively implement processes for your health facility to achieve recognition as a center of excellence.

  1. Define and Communicate Clear Objectives

Establishing clear objectives is essential for any COE. Health facilities management teams should define their vision, mission, and goals to align their efforts with organizational priorities. Communicating these objectives across the team ensures everyone is working towards a common purpose and fosters a sense of unity and collaboration.

  1. Invest in Technological Advancements

The adoption of innovative technologies is instrumental in transforming health facilities management into COEs. Implementing computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) and utilizing data analytics tools can streamline processes, improve decision-making, and enhance asset management.

  1. Embrace Data-Driven Decision-Making

Data is the backbone of continuous improvement. Health facilities management teams should collect and analyze data on operations, maintenance, and performance to identify areas for improvement. By leveraging this data, teams can make informed decisions, enhance efficiency, optimize resources, and reduce costs.

  1. Foster a Culture of Learning and Development

To become a COE, health facilities management teams must continually invest in the professional development of their staff. Encourage ongoing training programs, certifications, and knowledge sharing among team members. This commitment to learning will ensure that the team remains up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices.

  1. Promote Stakeholder Engagement

Successful COEs prioritize collaboration and effective communication with stakeholders. Engage with healthcare professionals, administrators, and patients to understand their needs and expectations. Regular feedback and open dialogue will help the health facilities management team adapt their processes to align with the evolving demands of the organization.

  1. Implement Quality Control Mechanisms

To provide outstanding services, COEs must prioritize quality control, establish clear quality metrics, monitor performance, and conduct regular audits to identify gaps and areas requiring improvement. Implementing a culture of continuous quality improvement will enable the team to exceed industry standards.

Success as a COE

Becoming a Center of Excellence in health facilities management requires a strategic and systematic approach. By embracing best practices such as defining clear objectives, investing in technology, leveraging data, fostering a culture of learning, promoting stakeholder engagement, and implementing quality control mechanisms, health facilities management teams can transform their operations, elevate their performance, and emerge as recognized leaders in their field. 

Through these processes, COEs can contribute significantly to the overall success of healthcare organizations by ensuring the effective and efficient management of healthcare facilities and resources.